President, Judicial Watch. Fact checker. "Expert" (These are my personal views only!) LATEST BEST SELLER: A Republic Under Assault:
If you don’t own your content, your speech isn’t free. If you can’t guarantee its distribution, you’re silenced. And if you watch another man fuck your wife, you’re definitely a cuck. Don’t be a cuck.
Although pods may be variable, this channel will not extort you. 🤩
Content should be owned by those who created the content. Not any “channel” not any “app” not any “data base” and certainly not Gary Gensler (if he’s reading this PLEASE SER THUS IS NOT AN ILLEGAL SECURITY NFT)
Unpopular opinion: I ARORE running my errands 🥐
Today looked like: pick up pants for Zebu Live and bring them to the tailor.
Pick up fruit, cheese, artisanal bread and some flaky croissants on the way back 😍