加密货币行业一直是偏见丛生的领地,这是可以理解的。但是,在这个市场中绝没有“世人皆醉我独醒”的神仙。无论V神还是CZ,无论你是Web3 Builder还是Crypto…
We are excited to announce that Orbiter.Finance has been integrated with @Syncswap which is a seamless and efficient DEX on zkSync Era∎! Find out Orbiter: syncswap.xyz/bridge
Defi projects of the Aptos ecosystem that work in the main Aptos network without a token @AuxExchange @TortugaFinance @PontemNetwork @Ditto_Finance @AriesMarkets @AptinLabs @poor_obric @ArgoUSD @moledefi @CetusProtocol @aptoswap_net
4.5 years ago I was a Taxi Driver & now this.. thank you twitter.com/i/status/1464550677091438592