hello frens, fellow residents, virtual fashion ppl and all, happy tuesday 🧸
#digisapiens collection that I'm cooking now is progressing quite well, designed more than 60 avatars by now, since the kickstart of the @verticalcrypto.lens x @pronounceddrop.lens residency,
in the last 4 weeks, had the chance to listen and engage with so inspiring minds via classes, and the body of the avatars is shaped in that direction,
I'm sharing one of the VRM avatars visual as a collectible for my followers for free, for 5 days🫵🏼
it's 22th fit, designed in CLO, thanks to all the lectures but especially @janeomukoro.lens to help in her spare time, I'm downloaded the software 4 weeks ago, trial is almost ended lol
hope you enjoy that, and any notes you want to drop as a comment is quite appreciated as feedback
all the other 3D beings that we designed at DFW in last two years could be seen at
#vrm #avatar #digitalforgeryworkshop
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Wordsmiths, t2 Writer Social and Open Mic is back in London! ✍️🔥
Join us on 24th May to share your writing projects, meet writing peers, and discuss the impact of tech in writing and publishing.
If you cannot make it in person but still would like to showcase your writing project virtually (a novel, an essay, a poem, or even a journal), comment below, we will get you on the speaker list and shine a spotlight on you!
Spots are limited, register ASAP: meetup.com/london-wordsmith/events/293347526/