just IN:
🎉 Announcement: LENSCAN - Lens Protocol Explorer.
Explore your on-chain Lens activities. Hope you like it.
Lens Frens, Do you think we need #privacy in #DeFi? 🤔What do you think about the use of zero knowledge proofs in blockchain apps?🔒 I was at ETH Denver and had an impromptu interview with a TradFi guy and a lawyer and we started chatting about it. Comment your thoughts 💭
giiibZero-knowledge proofs will def have a HUGE impact in the space and beyond. We already see that with privacy and scaling applications exploding rn. gmgmgm
Posted on c/gm
giiibZero-knowledge proofs will def have a HUGE impact in the space and beyond. We already see that with privacy and scaling applications exploding rn. gmgmg
Posted on c/gm