I just voted "yes" on "Proposal to Approve Stargate Deployment on Scroll" snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth/proposal/0x1a1199e257551beac23b21fdba98f6efba2773a52135ad848fc6ad5b22b5d627 #Snapshot
I just minted Stand with Crypto Supporter, celebrating the start of @BuildOnBase bringing billions of people onchain.
It’s Onchain Summer.
I just voted "For" on "Emergency Brakes signer rotation" snapshot.org/#/lido-snapshot.eth/proposal/0xfe2a6a6506a642b616118363bc29aa83dd9ef2ec80447bb607a8f52c0a96aed0 #Snapshot
دیگه واسه آب معدنی چرا تبلیغات میسازن؟ کسکش تو کی دیدی یکی بره سوپری بگه آقا آب معدنی مارک فلان رو دارید؟ اگه اون یکی باشه نمینوشم
I just voted "For" on "Proposal: Building the Future of NFTs: The Rarible Protocol - Arbitrum Integration Proposal [REVISED]" snapshot.org/#/arbitrumfoundation.eth/proposal/0x66b953a7cf4de9f6de54e6eb87ae291b5cc62f12c7fed68eba91043607883221 #Snapshot