I just voted "Yes, fund MMM in S17" on "S17 - MMM Budget Proposal" snapshot.org/#/gitcoindao.eth/proposal/0xb39cf2f698f8756eafe9378479b69dc28f563d64fc1c64afddbc5374a206d2fa #snapshotlabs
I just voted "Yes " on "S17 - Gitcoin Allo Budget " snapshot.org/#/gitcoindao.eth/proposal/0x555f90d3c76bd44ee4727b627b424d524a799b8dde9784991848c90b599e6562 #snapshotlabs
lens music community, let's curate an oohlala lens🌿 2💿22 mixtape.
Please choose your favourite songs.snapshot.org/#/%F0%9F%92%BF%F0%9F%92%BF%F0%9F%92%BF%F0%9F%92%BF%F0%9F%92%BF%F0%9F%92%BF%F0%9F%92%BF%F0%9F%92%BF%F0%9F%92%BF%F0%9F%92%BF.eth/proposal/0xd2bb68ddff06597e10a3a83cfb11850be5f15cc6de3e054a53a3f836f59b09c7
On November 21st, we posted a Request for Comment 5 on a series of proposed changes to the Uniswap community governance process. Thank you to everyone who has provided their comments! Based on community feedback and discussion, we are making some adjustments to our proposal. We will keep this proposal outstanding until next Wednesday December 14th, at which point we will post a Snapshot poll on the changes.
The changes to the RFC based on feedback are as follows:
Revisions and updates to RFC
Increase the new “Request for Comment” process to be a minimum of 7 days rather than our originally proposed 3 days. We agree with Alana Levin 2, GFX Labs 1, and others that a minimum of 1 week ensures that the community will have adequate time to digest each proposal, ask questions, and provide feedback.
Increase the quorum for the new Temperature Check, the remaining off-chain Snapshot poll, to 10M UNI rather than the originally proposed 5M UNI. As pointed out by Deven Matthews 1 from Blockchain at Berkeley, 37 delegates meet the 2.5mm threshold – proposers would only need to garner support from 2 of these delegates to move to the last governance vote with a 5M quorum. Increasing quorum to 10M UNI increases the effectiveness of this phase as a signal of community support.
We highlight two suggestion from Toby from Other Internet to 1) standardize Snapshot language, particularly by formalizing the use of “No change” rather than other more biased language in Snapshot polls, and 2) reach out to popular governance platforms where the governance process is listed to update it, if the vote passes.
We are now planning to post a Snapshot Poll to vote on Wednesday, December 14th. The voting parameters will be 7 days and a 40M UNI quorum.
In addition to the above changes, we also pose the following question to the community. We originally proposed that changes to the off-chain components of the community governance process be votes on through an off-chain vote on Snapshot. GFX Labs 1 brought up the point that custodians do not allow voting off-chain - which means many voters may not be able to participate in those votes. Should these changes be voted on on- or off-chain? Particularly if you keep your UNI at a custodian, please opine!
Below, we provide an updated version of our original post.