📣 Attention all Lenster users!
Lens Protocol 🌿 has launched a new dispatcher for a faster and smoother user experience. Don't miss out - update now at lenster.xyz/settings/dispatcher
Dear Lens fam, what is the Future of Social for you?
At t2, we believe the future social networks should revolve around our values, not just what grabs our attention. We want to foster meaningful connections with others, share what helps us achieve our goals, and enjoy articles that empower us.
We have witnessed how the Lens community celebrates genuine creativity and friendship. We believe our values and mission align closely with those of the Lens community. So, we are excited to bring a new type of writing and reading platform to @lensprotocol, starting with our manifesto. manifesto.t2.world
⏳ If you are on board with this vision, sign the Manifesto with your value propositions and complete all steps. You will receive a personalised card to showcase your values and early access to the t2 alpha product.
If you are a writer, follow us and comment below with your favourite piece of writing by you. We will follow back!
姜子牙、孙膑、诸葛亮、刘伯温代代相传 姜子牙根骨不好,转世重修为孙膑,结果又被师弟搞断了腿,一辈子坐轮椅,形象不佳,再转世重修为诸葛亮,所以诸葛亮爱坐轮椅(前世的习惯),又为刘备所累 火烧藤甲军,伤了阴德,不能成仙。无奈再转一世刘伯温,助朱元璋搞定蒙元。功成身退,了道成仙,据说,刘伯温帮朱元璋得了天下,封了大官,一天无意经过一 座庙,庙里有座石碑,碑上写着“先姜尚,后孙膑,五百年前诸葛亮,五百年后刘伯温,始知自己是诸葛转世,遂辞官而去。
Lensters, what is your default setting for your feed? Do you show Mirrors? Do you get relevant content from mirrors or not? Feedback needed : )