I just voted "Yes" on "Stargate Deployment on Manta Network" snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth/proposal/0x8d8cebd08408ab6072b9d8701c8b8eb0d53dcc5147ce97d1462d87ed6c547bab #Snapshot
I just voted "yes" on "Proposal to Approve Stargate Deployment on Scroll" snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth/proposal/0x1a1199e257551beac23b21fdba98f6efba2773a52135ad848fc6ad5b22b5d627 #Snapshot
I just voted "No I had not heard of Amplicata" on "Poll by @rickydata.lens%22 snapshot.org/#/polls.lenster.xyz/proposal/0x924c7790d5bb38f6e8b475c4307dd9b4e19f75ef69c9dcaa07cb4266b9f8a997 #Snapshot
How often do you get your AC and Washing machine washed or cleaned? it is so nice when I find out there is wash service you can buy and get some pro to do it for you, Going to do it more often from now on.
I just voted "Yes" on "Poll by @stani.lens%22 snapshot.org/#/polls.lenster.xyz/proposal/0xb48787ee4d877ede83434a2e4c5c194b4853cd2b6231c20e02d3b3ba9861b06a #snapshotlabs
I just voted "Yes" on "Poll by @stani.lens%22 snapshot.org/#/polls.lenster.xyz/proposal/0xce612dc6f5060c0d06ab9cc2910eb13fbda337a6a459d885a939ed8c10406a48 #snapshotlabs
I just voted "No ❎" on "Poll by @yoginth.lens%22 snapshot.org/#/polls.lenster.xyz/proposal/0x04e4c4bceee9ed9e54b6012d566d139e7c334829ddf27307fd11fd29882f7950 #snapshotlabs
Be careful, anything could be wrong would be wrong. When you are dealing with crypto, try to be simple and clean, do not try too hard with fancy tools. My rool is to go with no fancy tools and no leverage, and try to sail safe.