$SUI/$SOL In terms of relative strength between SUI & Solana, SUI is breakout out into a stage 2 part two uptrend on the weekly time frame The original stage 2 part one uptrend started on the breakout arrow. This stage 2 part 2 started on the Trackline green Dot reaction
美国比特币现货ETF昨日总净流出4.01亿美元,过去6日净流入后首次净流出 #BTCETF 美国以太坊现货ETF昨日总净流出324.29万美元,过去6日净流入后首次净流出 #ETHETF
我最反感和厌恶大选是两个烂苹果里选一个不那么烂的说法! 对于持这种看法的人,即使他们投票给川普,我也没什么好感。 如果你看过川普30多岁的采访、他的自传,以及8年前开始他曝光在聚光灯下,就知道他的价值观一如既往的稳定。 做商人、丈夫、父亲、总统,都很成功。怎么就烂了?
**每日大盘分析—— **$ETH 参考周期为2H。昨天说的 2440区域到了,而实体柱也收在这个区域。短期内有个潜在阻力在 2497区域。 如果后续这个阻力区域不构成阻力被突破的话,依旧还是先看涨至 2568区域,做一个区间震荡的预期。
I probably did more than most to spread the "mountain man" trope (btw I consider those remarks of mine outdated; snarks and AA changed the tradeoff space completely), and I'll happily say that I think
's comments are batshit insane.
Secret 与 Solana 集成,为其提供去中心化机密计算等功能 隐私公链 Secret Network 宣布其机密计算层(Confidential Computing Layer)与 Solana 集成,将为 Solana 提供去中心化机密计算 (DeCC) 工具、文档
最近的Meme币涨势非常凶猛,无论是暴涨上万倍的新币Moodeng,还是拉盘超过50%的新一代“狗王” Neiro。 它们的巅峰时代是否已经终结,我们是否正在盲目追高?我认为AI说的倒是挺中肯的,至少在关键时刻,它不受情绪波动,很理智。
The #Bitcoin sell-side risk ratio is best thought of as an 'implied volatility' measure. Low values mean folks are sitting on their coins, HODLing, and taking barely any profit or loss. It means volatility is likely cheap, and equilibrium is reached... ...for now.
let's play a game. You take the trade on the left. I take the trade on the right. Loser permanently deletes their account. Do you accept?