We will go on sharing our new move or funny things we encounter in our life.
2024: A Pivotal Year for #BitcoinHalving & Innovation. Introducing 'FEELING GOOD' by GeniiData, our premier 10K PFP NFT collection. A tribute to the resilience and achievement of the #Bitcoin pioneers.
🔗 Visit fgclub.io
💎 Mint FREE | Win WL Spot in Raffle | Fair…
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Introducing the Tuna Chain Ocean Trio!
Join now and invite your friends to earn points!
Complete simple tasks and dive in for exciting rewards in the future!
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#Bitcoin #Layer2
Continue the game, like this tweet to participate in the draw for 3 WL. Love you all. #BitMan
1111 NFT holders will have the opportunity to receive rewards from @Ventory_gg and @impulsetoken
Join Now: grinding.today/campaigns/1748
Congratulations on the collaboration of Impulse Finance and Ventory. The collaboration will be in many aspects…さらに表示
Thumb Buddies INO testnet event launched on Ventory
@ThumbBuddiesVNM is a thumb-based NFT collection. This basic NFT design will be the mascot for the educational materials we will share
Mint Here: testnet.ventory.gg/ino/thumbbuddiesino…
Supply only 2000 NFTs
Introducing #SPACEID governance token, the ID token, & its public release on @binance Launchpad. Another key component is added to our ecosystem. Read our blog post to learn more about $ID, the distributions, airdrops & the public sale.
What the Tesla Giga Nevada factory will look like when finished.
本日12時『週刊 プライムオンラインS』は… 『#風間公親 - #教場0- 』に出演中の #木村拓哉 さんにスペシャルインタビュー ドラマ主題歌への思いを語る@kazamakyojo%E7%95%AA%E7%B5%84HP
13:55~ 『池波正太郎時代劇スペシャル 雨の首ふり坂』 池波正太郎の股旅ものの傑作を、中村梅雀をはじめとする豪華キャストで初映像化! 三浦貴大 中尾明慶 泉谷しげる 大杉漣 ほか bsfuji.tv/amenokubifurizaka/pub/index.html
20:00~ 旅する地球レストラン!~Traveling The Earth Restaurant~(再) 速水もこみち、山本博(ロバート)、NANAMIが、幻の和牛や最高級のカニなど、山の幸から海の幸まで食材の宝庫の石川県で絶品料理に挑戦! 石川県の食材で、誰でも簡単に作れるメニューも紹介bsfuji.tv/earthrestaurant/pub/index.html