FTX and Genesis have reached $175 million settlement.
Genesis has agreed to pay FTX’s trading arm Alameda Research, $175 million. Genesis also agreed to waive all claims against the FTX estate.
A judge will hold a hearing Sept. 13 to approve the settlement.
How to run a Momoka Verifier
This video walks through how to run a Momoka Verifier on your local machine 👟
The Momoka Verifier enables you to operate a trustless verifier node that validates LENS DA publications in real-time.
It can also serve as an indexer, allowing you to stream and index the data yourself.
This open-source solution relies exclusively on software that you can run independently, without any dependency on LENS.
This ensures that even if LENS were to cease operation, you would retain access to your content, maintain proof of ownership, and continue to utilize it, all thanks to a decentralized data availability storage layer.
Even Sei Team Announced Their Airdrop
When @lensprotocol Team Is Announcing Their Too.
#airdrop #lensprotocol #crypto
Tell me your first DeFi application you ever used and I will comment the years you’ve been in web3
Hello devs! I am currently building a web3 browser Pokémon game and I wanted to share with you some updates on the first map...
....does it remind you of something? 🔥