Wanna turn VEGAN but not working ?

How many of you wanna turn VEGAN? I tried multiple times but always fail to do so. How about you ?

  • Yakuza@iamtheyakuza·Apr 29

    I avoid meat.

    Not a vegan but these guys changed the way I cook. I even bought their book 3 or 4 years ago and when at home defo I don’t cook meat.

    Come check them


    • Ava@lenslady·Apr 29

      It's hard to think about what to eat at every meal 🤦‍♀️

      • Bensu Kaya@bensu·Apr 29

        I don't want to be an angry person so I won't try...

        • I haven't tried it, but I thought about it. Is it counted? 😂

          • sangvin@sangvin·Apr 29

            This is just a trendy agenda that was in vogue five years ago. There will be less and less of that now.

            I remember a friend being an ardent vegetarian about seven years ago and who got a tattoo saying he was a vegan, but now he eats a lot of meat. 🤣

            This agenda has now been replaced by another, but this topic is highly sensitive, so I won't pursue it further. (You can even see it in the Lens profile settings.) 😁

            • Seems like this is gonna be a contradictory post in the end 😃 vegan or non vegan u guys are ❤️

              • soheil@chiji·Apr 29

                i love eating meat 😃

                • Melike@melikebarut·Apr 29

                  As a farmer's daughter it's so hard for me tbh 😬

                  • Peter@jimenez·Apr 29

                    Eating meat is more interesting.

                    • I tried many a times:( but i know this is something which is not gonna happen to me 🙈

                      • Yusuf@eyupyusufa·Apr 29

                        I've been a vegetarian for 3 years. For the last year, I've been vegan sometimes. I say sometimes because it's extremely difficult for me. You know, being vegan is very demanding. But I will become vegan in a few years, I believe.

                        • liuvatar@axelribbon·Apr 29

                          not me ty
