Christina@christina·May 12

Is anyone here into longevity - supplements, cold plunges, red light therapy etc?

What is interesting you in this area or works for you?

  • If you are struggling with (possibly arthritic) joint pain, I highly recommend you consider my post on ultrasound. At home ultrasound treatments have changed my life. Unfortunately, the post was made on X before I more or less abandoned that place. Therefore, linking that here: <[>](>](>))

    • Eastie @eastie·May 17

      Huge fan of ice baths. I converted an old chest freezer and try to do around 3 minutes a few times per week.

      • vdsv@bmcvxbg·May 17


        • jackspy@jackspy·May 17


          • @swwwz668·May 17


            • Arnie@arniek·May 17

              Exercise and diet, plus supplements such as NMN, hyaluronic acid, vitamin d, zinc, quercitin (on days I don't do weights)

              • Jouni@jouni·May 17

                Bryan Johnson has a bunch of stuff about this, some a little too far but he has also organised most of it into power laws (that are not that surprising)


                • Domino@dominosmusic·May 17

                  I sauna multiple times a week and work out consistently. I was Vegan for 5 years and did an alkaline diet for 3 months. Learned so much thro if h those processes! I learned there is truth to them all (ESPECIALLY herbal medicine) but at the end of the day it’s what your body best reacts to! Worth It to try things safely, everytime.

                  Sea moss changes my life. Doing cleanses monthly too. Yoga especially!

                  • What's the opposite of longevity @christina ??

                    • charity lol being optimistic as per @shefi I mean I'm sure all that stuff is great but doing good deeds is also supposed to give you a long life even though it doesn't always work out that way I tried the cold showers but I was like who wants to live that long if they freeze their tails off the whole time?)?

                      I wouldn't depend on all of it that much though

                      • Bob Peace@bobpeace·May 17

                        jesus and temperance and golden rule and god i find to the best, personally 💝

                        • Selene@selene·May 16

                          Moving from the city to a village full of nature was the best longetivity hack I ever did -I get the longevity hype but imo we have to change the root issue first before investing in the details

                          • Chloe@chloee·May 16

                            I use red light therapy & infared ALLL the time, has done so many amazing things when it comes to my skin & overall well being. Super relaxing for the mind🕯️

                            • Jacq@jacqs·May 16

                              restful sleep korean spa (sauna, ice room/cold plunge, massage) exercise (hatha yoga + dance, sometimes others) i fast one whole day a week + intermittent fasting vegetarian who eats her own organic veggies gardening (this one is key)

                              • MP@mariapaula·May 16

                                Unfortunately I have tips - I definitely don't want to live long but I want to be cute and feel good rn.

                                - Resveratrol + NAD are great, i really notice changes on recovery

                                - Work out every day 45 minutes

                                - Stretch your soaz muscles (especially for people sitting all day)

                                - Probiotics forever

                                - I like Magnesium Glyconate - helps me with muscle recovery and everything else

                                - I fast 16-18 hours every day

                                I would however like tips on sleeping i dont do much of that even though i try

                                • Juampi@juampi·May 16

                                  I do fasting every day and also a 24hs fast every month, helps with autophagy.

                                  • Here in Finland we do sauna and ice swimming! It’s very good for the body. In fact many old people here can live long and also by themselves because they are in very good condition.

                                    Also it’s good for the skin. I’ve been doing it since 2014 and it helps. Also i never get sick. Or it’s very rare.

                                    I took huge amount of probiotics (the ones that cost hundreds of euros and need to be stored in the fridge lol) in 2017-18 because of a dangerous sickness i had killing all my good bacteria from my body. And after that i feel like it’s helped my metabolism to be more robust to sicknesses

                                    Also eating meditarean food is very good - lots of good oils and fish and veggies

                                    • DeFinn@definn·May 16

                                      The more I study about it the more I understand it's about the basics: eat healthy, do exercises, take care of your mind (therapy, meditation). Supplements just in case the blood test indicate the need of it. In terms of exercises, after 30s a pilates/yoga is nice because of mobility.

                                      • DJINZ@djinz·May 16

                                        I’ve done cold plunges to sauna back at forth, usually for 2 min cold plunges. It’s coupled with wilholf breathwork

                                        • johnny17@johnny17·May 14


                                          • Oh yeah, I'm pretty into longevity studies ever since I came across David Sinclair years back. The biggest hack to longevity from my personal studies is simply working out actively and maintaining a healthy diet. Obviously easier said than done, but both strength training and cardio are massive factors when it comes to longevity.

                                            In regard to supplements, I currently stick with vitamin c and d + a daily multi vitamin alongside whey protein, creatine, magnesium, and amino acids. I also take an electrolyte mix everyday to help with hydration and energy.

                                            I've tried cold plunging and enjoyed it, but it's quite expensive to do frequently unless you have one at home or have a membership for specific spots. I already pay for a gym membership elsewhere so stick to gym + sauna use 5 days out of the week. Usually sauna 6 days out of the week. The sauna is one of the biggest longevity hacks imo, it has so many health benefits. I could go on and on lmao, but if interested check out some of Dr. Rhonda Patricks videos on sauna use + strength training. She's extremely knowledgable and I love her content.

                                            • Infinati@infinati·May 12

                                              Yes. Probiotics. I've done ice baths. You end up melting the ice and it's very peaceful. I tried red light therapy once in Portland with my gf, and not sure if that one worked.

                                              Supplements, yes a lot of organic things. Adaptogen mushrooms, superfoods, chia seeds, beets, etc. Something I just put it all in a cup and the chia seeds get bigger etc and I have a nice cup of everything. Chlorella and greens, lots of greens.
