Let’s grow 🌳 I’ve been meaning to explore how @orb can be leveraged for impact, this is iteration #1

70% of the proceeds from this mint will go towards @gitcoin grants in the climate solutions round.

For those of you who aren’t familiar, Gitcoin is a grants program, protocol, and ecosystem that helps cool projects get funded.

They have supported open source software, Refi, Desci, public goods and other ecosystems + have helped fund some of your favorite projects like Optimism, Uniswap, The Tapestry 😉 and more.

Although I’m not fundraising for my project, I will be donating and figured I’d make it easy for others who wouldn’t otherwise participate to contribute. I will be using my own discretion to select the projects based on preference, impact, and trust I’ve gained for some of them over the years but will share the projects we support after.

While collecting this is a great start, I strongly encourage people to checkout the grants and consider contributing themselves as every unique contributor counts as a vote to help projects unlock more matching funding. grants.gitcoin.co/

Looking forward to seeing how this experiment grows.

24 Hours ⌛️