Hey fries besties! <3

I have some exciting news to share with you all! Gxrls Revolution, the project I co-founded, is hosting an official ETHCC side-event from 16-20 July at Iham Gallery in Paris. The official opening party will take place on 16th July from 6-10 pm!

I'm super proud to announce that we have the support of some amazing people, including Jean-Michel Pailhon and Dan Polko (the art collector who own 100 crypto punks!) as funders for part of our event. <3

It's going to be amazing! Don't forget to dress in pink pls and come say Hi (bring fries too lol) Register and get your tickets, it's FREE: www.eventbrite.com/e/web3-exhibition-wagmi-art-web3-women-artists-tickets-661008994697?aff=eemailordconf&ref=eemailordconf&utm_campaign=order-confirm-bcc&utm_medium=email&utm_source=eventbrite&utm_term=viewevent

And if you want to sponsor us, simply send me a DM.

Can't wait to see you there! <3