Thank you so much for all your comments and discussion around the "lens score
" .
1️⃣ I'll reply to everyone who commented with the profile's score. (starting now :-))
2️⃣ the logic (explained in 3️⃣ :-)) I've used to calculate the score is the initial version 0.01 and I hope we'll be able to come up with a far better "lens score
" over the coming weeks and several iterations.
3️⃣ logic and input data
the score is calculated based on (1) comments vs posts ratio (2) paid collects as collector (3) paid collects as creator.
1 = max score, 0 = min score.
calculation of the score
when comment_post_ratio >= 1 and comment_post_ratio < 10 then 10
when comment_post_ratio >= 10 THEN 5
when comment_post_ratio < 1 and comment_post_ratio >= 0.5 THEN 5
when comment_post_ratio < 0.5 and comment_post_ratio >= 0.1 THEN 1
when comment_post_ratio < 0.1 THEN 0.1
when number_paid_collectors > 100 THEN 10
when number_paid_collectors <= 100 AND number_paid_collectors > 20 THEN 5
when number_paid_collectors <= 20 AND number_paid_collectors > 5 THEN 3
when number_paid_collectors <= 5 AND number_paid_collectors > 0 THEN 1
when number_paid_collected > 100 THEN 10
when number_paid_collected <= 100 AND number_paid_collected > 20 THEN 5
when number_paid_collected <= 20 AND number_paid_collected > 5 THEN 3
when number_paid_collected <= 5 AND number_paid_collected > 0 THEN 1
/ 30
** comment_post_ratio* = number comments / number posts of the profile
** number_paid_collectors* = how many people paid for the profile's collectable posts (as creator)
** number_paid_collects* = number paid collects of the profile (as collector)
4️⃣ data distribution see image attached.
Everyone with a score >= 0.5 is within the top 1.2% - based on v0.01 of the "lens score
" :-)
(empty score: accounts without comments)
and most important I can't thank @erikamoji.lens and @xavierjo.lens enough who did an INCREDIBLE @ethglobal.lens ETHOnline hackathon and created a project addressing (web 3) social (media) bot and spam issues ;-).