AlicΞ@punkess·Oct 22

Thank you so much for all your comments and discussion around the "lens score" .

1️⃣ I'll reply to everyone who commented with the profile's score. (starting now :-))
2️⃣ the logic (explained in 3️⃣ :-)) I've used to calculate the score is the initial version 0.01 and I hope we'll be able to come up with a far better "lens score" over the coming weeks and several iterations.
3️⃣ logic and input data
the score is calculated based on (1) comments vs posts ratio (2) paid collects as collector (3) paid collects as creator.
1 = max score, 0 = min score.

calculation of the score
when comment_post_ratio >= 1 and comment_post_ratio < 10 then 10
when comment_post_ratio >= 10 THEN 5
when comment_post_ratio < 1 and comment_post_ratio >= 0.5 THEN 5
when comment_post_ratio < 0.5 and comment_post_ratio >= 0.1 THEN 1
when comment_post_ratio < 0.1 THEN 0.1
when number_paid_collectors > 100 THEN 10
when number_paid_collectors <= 100 AND number_paid_collectors > 20 THEN 5
when number_paid_collectors <= 20 AND number_paid_collectors > 5 THEN 3
when number_paid_collectors <= 5 AND number_paid_collectors > 0 THEN 1
when number_paid_collected > 100 THEN 10
when number_paid_collected <= 100 AND number_paid_collected > 20 THEN 5
when number_paid_collected <= 20 AND number_paid_collected > 5 THEN 3
when number_paid_collected <= 5 AND number_paid_collected > 0 THEN 1
/ 30

** comment_post_ratio* = number comments / number posts of the profile
** number_paid_collectors* = how many people paid for the profile's collectable posts (as creator)
** number_paid_collects* = number paid collects of the profile (as collector)

4️⃣ data distribution see image attached.
Everyone with a score >= 0.5 is within the top 1.2% - based on v0.01 of the "lens score" :-)
(empty score: accounts without comments)

and most important I can't thank @erikamoji.lens and @xavierjo.lens enough who did an INCREDIBLE @ethglobal.lens ETHOnline hackathon and created a project addressing (web 3) social (media) bot and spam issues ;-).

Post by @punkess.lens
  • Peepo@xrami·Oct 31

    🤔 What do you think of this score alice?

    • Peepo@xrami·Oct 31

      GM Alice , what's my socre 😃🤔

      • Coinhunter@coinhunter·Oct 31

        What s my score please?

        • oh that's look awesome.

          • TAHA@tahakhak·Oct 29

            The way you calculate the score is very creative👌👌
            What's mine ?😁

            • Great start. I'll look into it a bit later to see what can be improved.

              So, what's my score?

              • Pooya@thepooya·Oct 28

                Can you check mine?

                • 0xbehnam@behnam0·Oct 28

                  Dear Alice can you tell my score please?

                  • Can you check me too pls?

                    • Eli@eliii·Oct 25

                      Dear Alice can you tell my score please?

                      • Melike@melikebarut·Oct 24

                        Hi Alice! Can we check mine?

                        • DeFinn@definn·Oct 24

                          Amazing initiative, Alice!

                          This is one of my favorite use cases for Machine Learning and data processing, and I'm currently working on a more complex solution that I would love to share with you as soon as I'm back from my vacations in a week (I'm in Chile right now). However, I can already add some insights to your study.

                          📝 Content Classification:

                          To score a profile, we should first classify its content. The simplest variables I would consider for that are:

                           👉 Keyword Analysis: This involves identifying keywords such as "claim," "earn," "airdrop," "don't miss," etc.
                          👉 Recommendations: Good content can be classified based on how many (good) profiles have shared it with others. In social media, we can adapt the engagement rate (engagement/followers) for this purpose.
                          👉 Spam Reports

                          Paid and sponsored content should be excluded from the analysis above as they have their own dynamics and should be treated separately.

                          👩 Profile Classification:

                          This topic deserves a more in-depth discussion, especially considering transferable profiles and editable handles. I believe what we're really looking for is a profile manager's classification, tied to the wallet address behind it.

                          But I would love to hear others' opinions about it. I recall someone suggesting a score reboot after transfer, and this could be a good idea too.

                          Regarding the classification parameters, here are some suggestions:

                           👉 Good Content / Bad Content Rate
                          👉 Mentions / Followers
                          👉 Average Engagement Rate
                          👉 Paid Collects Received / Followers (Note: This parameter shouldn't heavily influence the score since not everyone is a paid content creator. It's a plus, not mandatory.)
                          👉 Spam Reports

                          These suggestions draw from traditional social media techniques and SEO practices.

                          • Paul Burke@paulburke·Oct 24

                            Interesting approach, thanks for sharing! I question how effective this type of scoring is when it seems fairly subjectively based on collecting and publishing collectible posts.

                            Anecdotally, I imagine my score would be quite low since I've never sold a collectible, and haven't collected many. I also have nearly a 10:1 comment-to-post ratio, since I rarely have things I believe are worth posting about, but often feel that I have something to contribute to discussions (like this one!). My personal belief is that I'm creating noise/spam if I post, just to post. I don't think anyone would suspect me of being a bot or spammy. As such, it seems like this scoring perhaps suffers from confirmation bias, and may not be be useful for more than vanity metrics.

                            Identifying bots and spam is difficult, and getting harder every day. It's something that has been the topic of substantial academic research and even the largest social networks are unable to effectively keep it at bay. A good Lens Score would be one that attempts to recognize that people use social apps in many different ways, and allows for more than one type of user to have a "high" score. It's important to note that Lens can be used in many ways, ways that don't resemble a typical "social network", so it may be prudent to only include stats from known App IDs (like Hey, Phaver, Orb, Buttrfly, etc).

                            I also believe it may be more effective if a 1.0 represents suspected bot/spam, not the other way around. Proving personhood is basically impossible without some sort of biometric proof, while proving likelihood of a bot is difficult, but generally achievable (at least for now). I think it also comes off as less of a vanity metric when the perceived goal is bot identification, not ranking how good of a user you are.

                            The biggest issue, however, is that the moment you publish your formula it's no longer useful. Bots and bad actors can quickly, and easily, adjust to fool your system. This means we ultimately have to trust your judgement, or only use these types of scores retrospectively.

                            PS - This post and discussion is what I love most about Web3. ❤️

                            • kz@vanns·Oct 24

                              How to see the score?

                              • Mycaleum@mycaleum·Oct 24

                                This is astounding work. Thank you fren.

                                • Super curious to see my score

                                  • shy boy@relaxing·Oct 23

                                    Excuse me, how about me?

                                    • Mosnak@frick·Oct 23


                                      • defifury@defifury·Oct 23

                                        You've really put in a lot of work into this.

                                        Well done 🙂

                                        • @elsen·Oct 23

                                          Very cool, I know

                                          • fida@nuribanking·Oct 23

                                            score is meaningless until we know the methodology

                                            • dankshard@dankshard·Oct 23

                                              Hi Alice! Could you please share my score?

                                              • cynthia@cynth1a·Oct 23

                                                What about me Alice?

                                                • Gm Alice, that's really cool!

                                                  • TheLonelyJedi@kazi-·Oct 23

                                                    GM @punkess.lens ☀️. What's my score? Hoping it's north of zero😶

                                                    • What’s mine

                                                      • sexweb.lens@sexweb·Oct 23

                                                        Good jobbb

                                                        • @punkess.lens I can deploy an UI to getting your score based on this wrguments if you want 👀

                                                          • pythianism@07014·Oct 23

                                                            good analysis

                                                            • @jasonjune·Oct 23


                                                              • White@88987·Oct 23

                                                                Still have to pay

                                                                • Preegee@preegee·Oct 23

                                                                  Simple & efficient scoring system!

                                                                  Personally, I haven't started doing paid collects which is why my score is just shy of 0.5 (it's 0.47). Impressive still that a 3 month old account can have such a high score only based on organic engagement. So, the criteria is definitely not skewed towards those who've been here longer!

                                                                  Looking forward to this being built out!

                                                                  • 币元财经@billhan·Oct 23

                                                                    how to know my lens score?

                                                                    • afonso@aldarvvish·Oct 23


                                                                      • I want to see my score
                                                                        please share 💚

                                                                        • Facaimei@facaimei·Oct 23

                                                                          so paid more will get higher score?

                                                                          • BennyJ504@bennyj504·Oct 22

                                                                            How do you find out your score?

                                                                            • Sree@sree33·Oct 22

                                                                              This is a decent start but coming up with heuristic scores has its own limitations. May be a simple learning algorithm with the signals you mentioned would do a better job :)

                                                                              • @punkess.lens maybe some poap for the og 1.0 people 🤣

                                                                                • tomato@thefaketomato·Oct 22

                                                                                  My initial thoughts:

                                                                                  Comment post ratio could be easily gamed by bots. All they have to do is keep the ratio between 1 and 10 to be regarded as real.

                                                                                  Number of paid posts collectors is determined by whether a person wants to enable paid collects on their posts, which doesn't really have anything to do with them being real or a bot.

                                                                                  Number of paid collects is affected by how much money a person is willing and able to spend on Lens, so it will put some people at a disadvantage through no fault of their own.

                                                                                  • grgw@grgwgrgw·Oct 22

                                                                                    Nice work! Pretty simple scoring rules that divide up the account space into a reasonable distribution 👍 👍 👍

                                                                                    • MazeMari@mazemari·Oct 22

                                                                                      Hi, gm, Alice ! What's my score ?

                                                                                      • huugo@huugo·Oct 22

                                                                                        Very cool, I know this is super early, so there doesn’t have to be an answer. But how does this scale (or does it) as the people generally have more paid collects/collectors?

                                                                                        • Stani@stani·Oct 22

                                                                                          nice, maybe adding weight for mirroror whose paid mirrored post gets collected to incentivize paid mirrors that are successful
