AlicΞ@punkess·Apr 12

The "little lens game" round 2️⃣ will officially start in 15 minutes (Thursday 12:00am UTC) 🥳
I hope you've already received your DM with the "forbidden word". This time

a @vendi.lens
a @jessyjeanne.lens
a @seliqui.lens

b @paloo.lens
b @sintex.lens
b @kentphilly.lens

c @sattu.lens
c @chaoticmonk.lens
c @kazi-.lens

d @peterson.lens
d @mazemari.lens
d @punkess.lens

joined. Following 11 people is probably a bit challenging that's why I suggest groups (a,b,c,d) of three who try to guess the other persons' "forbidden word". Of course everyone can guess everyone else's "forbidden word" ... additionally ;-).

Thanks a lot for your "little lens game" covers @chaoticmonk.lens  , @seliqui.lens and @sintex.lens . My suggestion is to use every cover for one "little lens game" post and everyone can vote via collect which cover should become the official "little lens game cover" :-).

please collect this post if you think this cover should become the official "little lens game cover".
(post with all covers in the comments: )

Post by @punkess.lens