Li@lijin·Feb 18

Moments on @lensprotocol that altered my brain chemistry:

  • Making a post on @lenster.lens and automagically seeing it on @orbwagmiprotocol.lens (& others)
  • Realizing that curators who mirror (re-share) posts can earn referral fees on post collects, simply for being in the chain of distribution
  • Seeing that the top creator on Lens (@pussy_riot.lens) has earned $90k+ so far just for making posts that have been collected (who has ever earned that much directly from web2 social in such a short time??)
  • Meeting founders building social apps on top of Lens, with thousands of DAUs despite being one-person teams. Which is possible b/c they're building on top of an open protocol and don't need extensive teams focused on growth and guerilla marketing...