Stani@stani·May 14

Starting Lens Network AMA below. Post here questions during the next 24 hours (to cover all timezones) on Lens Network and will answer below during the day as the questions come.

  • Is this still on?

    Comment by @digitalnapalm
    • Yo, this Lens Network AMA sounds super interesting! As a biomedical engineer, I'm always curious about new tech. Can't wait to see what questions pop up! 🤓

      • Sounds lit! 🙌 Can't wait to dive into the Lens Network AMA and learn more about what's poppin' in the crypto and blockchain world. Got any insider tips for a newbie like me?

        • dedsec@dedsec·May 16

          Will there be a mechanisms in place to make content private or entirely hide it from the chain if we regret sharing it later on? This question been bugging me lately...

          • mel@melbourn·May 16

            I suppose all Lens apps will be built on ONE Lens network in the future, instead of Lens protocol going multichain?

            • Ivan@ialberquilla·May 16

              How will data managed if the protocol is deployed on several networks? One of the main advantages IMO of lens is data integrity. How will ask the data be aggregated? Will be available in dune/bigquery? Will be able to track users post across different networks?

              • 0xDavide@ghostgang·May 15


                • I saw on the photos that there was a path to privacy on Lens Network? What could that be used for? I also saw talk about a data availability solution. Is the team gonna develop their own or will the Network be choosing from market leaders like Celestia or Eigen Layer? Furthermore, will dapps be able to be cross chain? Another graphic suggested that Lens was gonna be somewhat crosschain.

                  • nor

                    • MOΞ@0xmoe·May 15

                      • will lens network be a universal evm chain where anyone can deploy any contract? • what DA solution is used for the validium? • what’s the plan to get wallets to support lens network? this is critical. • any more details on the cross chain aspect? how will that work? where will collects be? • what’s the rough timeline for each phase? • how complex will the migration be for app devs? will lens api abstract all this? or will the api get lots of changes too like v2 migration?

                      • Ruthless@ruthless·May 15

                        What could the Lens team do better next time in terms of communicating such major changes?

                        • Ayodeji@ayodeji·May 15

                          How can we receive support in a timely manner? What are the support contacts?

                          • -How smooth will the transition be? Are there any precautions you have taken for this?

                            -No details were shared for 00 and bonsai... People with serious investments in these two coins suffered losses due to uncertainty... How will you prevent this...

                            -The road map and people's problem signs should be resolved as soon as possible... and not everyone will be able to watch the broadcast... It is very important that you share the details with written texts...

                            • Iridescent@iridescent·May 15


                              • las@ebids·May 15

                                Will there ever be a lens token

                                • @l00000·May 15

                                  i’m not sure

                                  • @rahulsingh·May 15

                                    I m Excited about Lens Token, drop to all Lens Holder and dont forget to drop gitcoin donor.. Its wqs mine first to donate and mint lens 🤗✅

                                    • Infinati@infinati·May 15

                                      Do we have to pay gas or some briding fee like with Blast L2?

                                      Or is it just gonna be a "simple" migration.

                                      Also, will this affect existing dapps / mobile apps and will there be a main Lens app?

                                      What does it mean for creator tokens/p00ls?

                                      I have a shirt that says "Expanding Ethereum" from a hackathon so... I like this.

                                      • - How seamless will the transition be for profiles, followers, and content?

                                        - Since you can port Network onto other EVM chains, what advantages might the Network have on L2s or other EVM compatible chains with different structures to ETH mainnet?

                                        • Hi there! Congratulations, this looks like an important milestone for the ecosystem, and it's great to see that innovation isn't slowing down. For people like me who have a basic understanding of the technological advancements being introduced, what new possibilities can we expect for users already familiar with Lens? What potential impacts and innovations do you foresee in the various social interactions on Lens with this enhanced technological robustness? Tks!

                                          • ungspirit@ungspirit·May 14

                                            will $BONSAI move to Zk too?

                                            • DeFinn@definn·May 14

                                              The announcement mentions Lens becoming a "cross-chain protocol". Will the protocol give access to content published on all networks or this will be handled by the API/SDK? Will apps have to choose which chains to integrate?

                                              • kaitoren.eth@kaitoren·May 14

                                                To be honest this feels like a huge miss given the “America Onchain” moment coming from Coinbase. Is there a reason the tech is being prioritized over the product?

                                                • crypto-z@crypto-z·May 14

                                                  If Lens Network is a chain - could we hope for ETH native staking like Blast L2? This is a new potential source of revenue for Social apps

                                                  • What would you recommend for anyone unfamiliar with zksync to prepare for the change? Will there be certain tools/ apps/ wallets better to suited to interact with the Lens Network? Thinking more from a user perspective, not developer.

                                                    • crypto-z@crypto-z·May 14

                                                      One-click: In-app wallet + AA creation + SIWE + LENS Sign in for user

                                                      Will we have free (if possible) Smart Accounts factory for user on-boarding with social / email / with automatic sign-in?

                                                      • crypto-z@crypto-z·May 14

                                                        should we expect major breaking changes like lens v2 for builders ?

                                                        • What will be the gas fee for lens network?

                                                          • Chris P@sameold·May 14

                                                            please explain Lens network in simple terms. Read the thread on X and head my melted halfway through.

                                                            • Will Lens Network be backward compatible for accessing/minting old collectible posts on Polygon?

                                                              • Currently the most recognized platform in Web3 and the one everyone wants to use is warpcast (farcaster)

                                                                Frankly, I thought Lens Protocol would be a breakthrough in SocialFi as it is a social layer and has dozens of dApps.

                                                                But I think you have to admit that even if you are technologically far ahead of applications like Warpcast, you are far behind in terms of user experience, inability to attract big OG names to the platform, nice medium-sized airdrops for warpcast users, etc.?

                                                                How do you explain why that is. Thank you very much in advance for your answer. @stani

                                                                • so Lens network is another L2 using zkstack gas fee is still eth?

                                                                  • Gilson@gilsoncarlos·May 14

                                                                    With the migration to zkSync, how do you foresee Lens Network contributing to the broader movement towards decentralization in the social media landscape, and what role do you envision Lens playing in shaping the future of Web3 social protocols?

                                                                    • Gilson@gilsoncarlos·May 14

                                                                      Could you discuss the challenges and opportunities associated with transitioning Lens Network to zkSync, especially considering the potential impact on user adoption and engagement?

                                                                      • Gilson@gilsoncarlos·May 14

                                                                        How does Lens Network's migration to zkSync align with the company's vision for empowering users and fostering decentralized social spaces?

                                                                        • Nate Mueller@natem·May 14

                                                                          will there be a migration of posts and profiles to the new network?

                                                                          • Markus B.@seliqui·May 14

                                                                            What are the implications for the tokens on Lens?
