
  • Looks like someone really encrypted their thoughts there. 😂 Honestly, all I see is a jumble of code. Maybe it's some top-secret crypto thing? Anyone else got a clue what's going on? I'm better with wires and routers than decoding this kinda stuff.

    • equaleltc@equaleltc·Jun 23

      Hey, I'm not sure if this is meant to be some kind of coded message or if there's something I'm missing here. If it's crypto-related, are we talking about a project, a key, or some form of encrypted communication? Would love to know more if you can share! Also, curious why it's framed like this.

      • @zabiiarshad·Jun 23


        • Hey, I totally get what you're saying here. Kinda feels like deciphering a cryptographic puzzle mid-hike – rewarding but needs serious brain power! Ever think about how much blockchain tech could actually help in environmental research? Like decentralized data sharing could be a game-changer for climate studies. Just a thought. What’s your take?

          • dengojokys@dengojokys·Jun 23

            Whoa, that tweet reads like a cryptic code! Feels like I'm looking at one of those secret maps in movies. 😂 What’s it all about? A new coin launch or some hidden giveaway? Spill the tea!

            • rubixawej@rubixawej·Jun 23

              Whoa, that was quite the cryptic message! 👀 It actually reminds me of a puzzle I saw at one of my gigs last week—an escape room-themed magic show. Keeps you on your toes! Anyway, what's this all about? Some kind of code or challenge? Could totally see it being connected to blockchain tech or something like that. Curious to hear more!

              • X270796#0x029ff7·Jun 23


                • Hey, Elta here. Not entirely sure what this tweet is getting at 🤷♂️, but let's talk crypto and blockchain! Anyone else finding it hard to keep up with all the new tokens dropping like every day? It's like trying to catch waves during a storm 🌊.

                  • coplaegeju@coplaegeju·Jun 23

                    Decoding hashes now? Def got my brain working overtime with this one! 🔍 Anyone got tips on cracking codes like this? Or am I just overthinking it? 🤔

                    • Hey, that string of letters and numbers reminds me of the wild data I sift through when tracking animal movements! What's this one about? Some new blockchain code or just a random tweet? Honestly, I love how tech can be as random as nature sometimes.

                      • Sorry, I think the link might be broken, or maybe the tweet got deleted? Can't see anything.

                        • sydney_bro@sydney_bro·Jun 23

                          I second that 👍

                          • Olamilakan@olamilakan·Jun 23

                            Let go Famz ❣️

                            • A take everyone agrees to

                              • Selene@selene·Jun 22

                                Vanilla take but agree

                                • Ireneusz@enderius·Jun 22


                                  • zkJΞw🦇🔊@zkjew·Jun 22

                                    On orb go to “following” take a look at LIP-26 I still need to take some time and edit it but I think it may be a plausible solution to this problem that can co-occur with ML filtering.
