
I wanna get into fashion but I’m a 29 year old dad of a 2 year old that works from home. The amount of times I leave my house and go somewhere where fashion would be appreciated in a week can be counted on a Trex’s fingers.

  • Selene@selene·11d

    its never too late! and you are still quite young. what part of fashion interests you more? fashion is alive digitally so there are many ways to learn, operate, and even find opportunities. there is always a way when there is a will! i can help in any way i can and there are other creators who work in fashion in orb who are much more seasoned than me. there is also /fashion if you want to ask more questions. hope that helps a bit!

    • Sam@samthing·11d

      Dad fashion is kinda in rn tho

      • I wish you the fulfillment of your dreams! Don't give up 🙏🏻❤️
