Alright now that we can get back to business..

What are some BIG ideas for getting $bonsai into the hands of more people, and (maybe) driving demand 🙂 I have a few

  • l3 chain (degen playbook, but we can do better)
  • tipping in and outside of lens (requires creativity)
  • rewarding your attention (BAT 2.0)
  • ??

We want YOU to be part of the convo 🫡

  • ZELDA@0xzelda·Apr 12

    Tipping !!!!

    • Check DMs bro

      • BIPs - Bonsai Improvement Proposals 😀.

        • Samm@sababa·Apr 09

          Have Live online Auctions while interviewing/ Spotlight one or two people so you’re highlighting the creator :-) Use Lens apps to go Live- T.V, podcasts, etc. and stream to any and all other platforms - super followers get first bids????

          • Art collection fund: have a specific $bonsai budget for collecting high quality art by artists on Lens.

            Exhibit the art in the Bonsai Museum (online gallery).

            Designate professional art curators to select works every week. Promote it on X. Exhibit those works at IRL events …

            • web3boss.eth@web3boss·Apr 08

              As DN404, when will BONSAI reveal NFT?

              • GRAMS@grams·Apr 08

                i think people who have been most active collecting for a long time should be heavily rewarded, and/or incentive for outside collectors that haven't been here much to get them over here but that's more work

                • Zambales@zambales·Apr 08

                  Can't go wrong with Degen playbook, but, Lens demographic is different. If I am right, most of the followers are from Asia and Africa. Can we make $bonsai into something that is sincere and caring? Something that works for everyone, one that is aligned with the "movement" in memecoin meta.

                  In passing, can @madfinance make a crypto native app similar to the "paluwagan"...


                  p.s. Call it "landbank" where $bonsai can grow =)

                  • staple@staple·Apr 08

                    The core of the problem is to distribute the tokens to a wider group of people who will add more value to bonsai and lens ecosystem, an airdrop that is not limited to users within the lens ecosystem. That would eventually involve lens-related ecosystems, such as polygon core users (the chain where lens was born), which might be of interest to active users on polygon who don't yet have a lens profile. Just a thought, as other possiblities are well stated by friends here

                    • LKFinance@lkfinance·Apr 07

                      Don't forget to reduce supply, reward the holders for holding (e.g. staking reward), so that they won't sell

                      • Chris P@sameold·Apr 07

                        The single biggest limiter to Bonsai & Lens’ growth is only being one chain. Plus it's the most boring chain - Polygon. To bring more diverse Creator communities, Degen’s and DeFi nerds to Bonsai it has to be more chains. Mantle, Fantom, BASE and Berachain all come to mind.

                        Now we can buy & sell anything directly from in feed. Could cross chain swaps via be implemented ?

                        More Orb collaboration - Orb is by far the best app and has the potential to become Instagram of Web3 let alone Lens.

                        Could Bonsai be baked into mobile wallets like as the gateway drug to Bonsai ?

                        • Just going to bed. Gotta ponder on this tomorrow 🤔

                          • Infinati@infinati·Apr 07

                            Hackathons and Development Grants: Encourage innovation by hosting hackathons or offering grants for developers to build on the $bonsai ecosystem, driving organic growth and utility.

                            • cynthia@cynth1a·Apr 07

                              Bonsai merch which can only be bought from bonsai tokens 🥺

                              • Luffy@hinhuk·Apr 07

                                Also I'd like to add 2 more suggestion(i commented on your comment but afraid you might miss it)

                                Staking/provide lp reward: the goal is to reduce circulation and stable to up and down of token.

                                Add BIG reward to those who hold BONSAI NFT, give that NFT utility. That will encourage people to own 100k, 200k+ token -> improve the need to own more $bonsai, you need to explain clearly that having 100K will help people get 1 NFT...

                                ->Suggest for utility for BONSAI NFT:

                                • pass to receive Wl in other project on Polygon ecosystem or airdrop from Lens ecosystem

                                +Exclusive Discord server/channel for holder of Bonsai NFT and $bonsai token(if you need mod, I'll volunteer)

                                +More perk to be announced

                                +Airdrop in next phase....

                                • FDB@frontdoublebiceps·Apr 07

                                  Approach web3 companies for $BONSAI sponsorships i.e.: Bankless buys 50k USD worth of $BONSAI on the open market, users are then tasked to (for example) post a story about their best DeFi trade to date tagging "Bankless" and an image of Bankless Podcast logo, the $BONSAI bought by bankless is then airdropped to those who complete the challenge, with a special price to the best story, the requirements: to have more than X lens reputation score.

                                  • lana ✨@lanadingwall·Apr 07

                                    running some art @quality content contests like with what we saw last summer with quadratic lenster or like OPs art contest.

                                    I’d suggest visual, written, video and music as categories. Could even be a contest for the most innovative marketing of bonsai

                                    Could also run a retroPGF round to reward people building, creating, onboarding others etc into the lens or bonsai ecosystem (optimism style but using bonsai) - trick here is to announce it in advance so people have months and months to contribute to the growth of bonsai

                                    • Luffy@hinhuk·Apr 07

                                      We need more utility for $bonsai so people want to have more bonsai.

                                      1. List CEX so more people know and approach $bonsai(unless CEX want huge amount of bonsai so they can dump on holder)
                                      2. Create NFT that can be minted using Bonsai
                                      3. Need to involve more KOL outside of Lens to talk abt Bonsai
                                      4. Need more apps to use Bonsai as their main token(like Drakula on Base, with the hype of their investor), Some Bonsai grant might help
                                      5. l3 chain like you said probably work or build on ecosystem around $bonsai.
                                      6. Pls fix the marketcap on Coingecko and Dexscreener. Showing marketcap = FDV scare investor away, we all know the circulation $bonsai token is much lower than that

                                      Getting $bonsai into the hand of more people might make they dump the token, we need them in the right hand that improve $bonsai ecosystem.

                                      • Funding projects on top of Bonsai!!

                                        • kūalta 空@kualta·Apr 07

                                          builder grants, like @iamtherealyakuza noted referral programs would work great. kindly do not airdrop based on engagement, that'd be terrible

                                          • Here’s some ideas:

                                            1. Creator Milestone Rewards

                                            2. Engagement-based airdrops

                                            3. Referral Programs for Creators who bring new members

                                            4. Retention Bonuses

                                            5. Themed Challenges and Contests, Trusted Talent for instance

                                            6. Educational Incentives drops

                                            7. Creator of the Month Reward

                                            8. Staking Rewards for Creators

                                            9. Feedback and Improvement Incentives

                                            10. Collaboration Bonuses - example? We do accept @bonsai payments for sponsorship spots in our TMB newsletter
