⭐️ The most charismatic, meme-worthy coin on the MultiversX blockchain is here!
🎁 Join DoctorX and receive 2000 DRX coins when you sign-up.
🔥 Simple, fun, and rewarding!
Free airdrop in 30 days !
0G Labs x Blade Games Airdrop (EVM)
Reward: Confirmed
Code: fcfs
➖ Connect with Metamask (BURNER)
➖ Scroll down > Complete all tasks
➖ Mint "Dune Factory Pioneer" NFT
✅ Done!
All rewards will be distributed or made available for collection after the event concludes, prior to the project's TGE, or at other specified times, depending on the user's wallet and corresponding points.
You might have airdrops in your address without even realizing it. I didn't know either until I checked using crypdrops.io. Enter your address in the search bar, and you'll be notified if there are any hidden airdrops associated with it.
I changed my phone and got a new wallpaper.
The design is cool 😎
And the people around me don't know what crypto the game is.
For now. Will it be known worldwide next year?