Advice to all the old number based handle holders. Spend that $ 10 and get the handle you want. Your Lens world will change.

  • Miguel Clark@flintwalettMar 16


    • Stani@staniMar 16

      Very good idea, and down the line I think apps can even build a simple way to swap a handle or buy one thats taken.

      • dankshard@dankshardMar 16

        I feel you have personal issues with 84884, 84772, 766838 and 9274. Good guys, they,re. Just the silent type. 馃槀馃槀
        (idk if these handles are exist, sorry if you're here) 馃槀

        • Cesare@cesareMar 16

          Great advice! And for the new here, you can keep your social graph and content associated with you current Lens Profile and just swap the Handle with a new one.
