It has been interesting to work on @wav3s, but something is troubling me. We are just getting started with the new marketing tools, this is serious, the following features in @wav3s will change everything again, and that scares me a little.

What do you think, do you like receiving rewards for sharing posts? Do you think it can make the feed dirty with bad content?

  • Don't know bro

    • ewww@thandyou·Feb 03

      What do you think, do

      • lana ✨@lanadingwall·Feb 02

        when used like this, to help with reach and boost engagement it can be very helpful and encourages peer to peer support. The only question is how to gage for quality boosts as the lens ecosystem grows. We don’t want an army of bots (so maybe accounts need to have some proof of humanity kinda like the gitcoin passport), we want real people.

        As more options for paid mirror grows, people will also start to potentially discern what they want to reshare as well since their reputation is connected to it (not wanting to spam their own feed/friends/followers with random content).

        And as long as it doesn’t become a situation where everyone needs to pay to play in order to have anyone see/engage with their content, this is a fun innovative tool to play with!

        Paid ads are a HUGE part of the online creator world - so this is a very interesting potential rival to web2 paid ad marketing. We just don’t want it to be the only thing we see of course.

        • New man@newman·Feb 02

          The question regarding dirty/bad is one I thought about myself when I looked into @wave3s. I do mostly skip past "Promoted" tweets on Twitter but somehow this feels different. As many have said if the content is interesting it shouldn't make a difference. I plan to try it out myself at some point soon!

          • paveldcr@paveldcr·Feb 02

            These incentives will be working best with the communities feature. Eg look at Twitter vs Reddit. Why is there so much less junk on Reddit? Because every community has a moderator and rules are enforced.

            • zkJΞw🦇🔊@zkjew·Feb 02

              Or can but capital will end on good actors pockets

              • Vinson2007@44543·Feb 02


                • soul@soulgone·Feb 02

                  yes,share to earn,but too many bad content

                  • Absolutely! I definitely enjoy being rewarded for sharing posts. And I agree with the other comments that’s it’s important to curate your feed so you see the content you want. If there’s too much promotion from an account, just unfollow.

                    • AlicΞ@punkess·Feb 02

                      this post and the comments are a pretty strong argument for paid reach imo. Of course not every paid mirror will be high quality and we need an unfollow culture on lens - simply to keep the UX (content) high quality (and take action against spammy bot like behaviour). But it’s pretty hard to get visibility for content on lens - especially for profiles with few followers and niche content-> sophisticated paid interaction with the post might help.

                      • It’s a great question. I think it’s much like existing setups though. If you mirror or retweet rubbish that your followers don’t want to see then they’ll unfollow you.

                        • Idc I’ll share whatever to get the matic bag baby. Lol jk…. but not really.

                          • nice try

                            • cryptoman 🌿@05432·Feb 02

                              every change scares a bit

                              • Markus B.@seliqui·Feb 02

                                It's certainly a fresh approach, but we'll have to see how much engagement the new followers show on the next - not promoted - content.

                                Also @lensprotocol.lens is currently a walled garden - wouldn't be surprised to see an army of bots looking out for @wav3s.lens campaigns to farm once it's open to anyone.

                                • Yes, new idea is good for lens ecosystem. But for bad content there must be a way to stop

                                  • ntindle@ntindle·Feb 02

                                    I like the idea but people will inevitably build filters that remove promoted content. I could see it being a toggle in @buttrfly.lens within a month if they get exceptionally popular.
