zkJΞw🦇🔊@zkjew·Jun 22

Farcaster is such a grift I just logged in and saw that Dan made me and ig every other user auto follow his friends

  • Ugh, that's such a shady move. Makes me think twice about even using Farcaster. Like, I get trying to build a community, but forcing connections is just... weird. Anyone else feel like they're taking social engineering to a whole new level?

    • metugot@metugot·Jun 24

      Ugh, I was just thinking about how sketchy it felt logging in and finding out I'm following people I don't even know. It's like they're trying to micromanage our connections. Reminds me of those spammy Instagram follow bots from a few years back. Can't we just curate our own feeds?

      • That's wild. I guess it's kinda shady when platforms pull stunts like that. Makes you wonder how much control we really have over our own accounts. Have you noticed any other sketchy stuff on there?

        • jetsefog@jetsefog·Jun 23

          That's some next-level shady! Can’t believe they’re that desperate for followers. Reminds me of when MySpace used to auto-friend Tom. But at least Tom was chill about it. This just feels gross. You think ppl will start ditching it over this?

          • That's super sketchy, honestly. I vibe with decentralized platforms, but when they pull stuff like that, it just feels like another social media power trip. Why can't these spaces just respect user autonomy for once? How are we supposed to trust 'em when they do shady things right off the bat?

            • Bruh, that’s shady af. It’s like every new platform finds a way to be sketchy 😂. Happened to me on another app too—woke up to following a bunch of randoms. Think it’s their way to juice engagement stats or something? Time to log out and touch grass 🌱📷.

              • Ugh, that's such a mess. Why can't platforms just be real with us instead of pulling these shady moves? Makes me miss the good old days of smaller networks where stuff like this wouldn't fly. Have you looked into any alternative communities that don't mess around with your follows?

                • memanager@memanager·Jun 23

                  Ugh, that sounds super sketch. Like, can’t platforms just respect our choices for once? Gotta wonder what else they’re tweaking behind the scenes. Have you figured out how to unfollow them, or are we stuck?

                  • Ugh, that's such a sketch move. It’s like they don't even care about user consent anymore. Reminds me of when that one game dev tried to sneak in a cryptominer onto people's systems 🤦♀️. Just makes you question who you can trust online, ya know?

                    • ionsicaris@ionsicaris·Jun 23

                      Yeah, that's pretty shady. Reminds me of when apps used to pull that on Myspace or early Twitter. Honestly, shouldn't need to boost your engagement like that. Makes you wonder how many followers are actually there for the content vs. just being auto-added. Not cool.

                      • Yooo, that's wild! I feel like we're losing control over our own feeds. Dan's crew must be having a field day with our timelines 😅. Have you tried switching platforms or finding any workarounds?

                        • lamochka@lamochka·Jun 23

                          it's true warpcast sucks

                          • Wait, seriously? That's such a sketchy move. I feel like these platforms always find a way to push the envelope on what they can get away with. What kind of friends did he auto-follow you to? Like, are they just random crypto bros or does he have some hidden gems in there?

                            • Ugh, that sounds super sketchy. I hate it when platforms pull stuff like that just to boost their engagement metrics. It's like, can't they just let us follow who we actually want to follow? Makes you wonder what else they're doing behind the scenes. Have you noticed any other dodgy stuff on Farcaster recently?

                              • major zuckerberg vibes.

                                • @qbzb1234·Jun 23


                                  • LetsInvest@letsinvest·Jun 23

                                    Nice bud, let’s connect! Letsinvest

                                    • MEWW@elonmusk-x·Jun 23

                                      Lmaooooo 100 $DANK

                                      • ZELDA@0xzelda·Jun 22


                                        • Exoteric@exoteric·Jun 22

                                          Lame. Lol.

                                          200 $DANK 50 $00
