Paul Burke@paulburke·Jul 18

Collect fees are too high!

You might not realize, but there are significant fees associated with Lens Collects. Depending on the apps you use, there may be up to 15% in fees for each Collect! Let’s break down where the fees are coming from, and how you can avoid most of them.

🌿 Lens Protocol automatically attaches a 5% fee to all Collects. This is deducted from the sale price and the tokens are held by the protocol treasury, where they will eventually be split amongst the apps used to publish and collect. You cannot avoid this fee.

⭕️ Orb adds an additional 5% on the buyer side. When someone Collects on Orb, they charge the buyer 5% on top of the sale price.

🌸 Hey adds an additional 5% revenue split. When you create a collectible post on Hey, you automatically split 5% of your revenue directly with Hey. This is deducted from the sale price on top of the protocol fee.

So if you create a collectible post on Hey, and someone Collects it on Orb, there was effectively ~15% in fees paid out. Frankly, this is ridiculous. 15% is almost an order of magnitude higher than the fees you pay elsewhere in Web3 (OpenSea: 2%, Magic Eden: 2%, Blur: 0%). Reminder that the 5% protocol fee will eventually be split with the apps, so any charges on top of it are essentially double-dipping.

How do you avoid these crazy fees? Simple: don’t create your collectible posts on Hey, and don’t collect posts on Orb. That’s it! There are no added fees when collecting from Hey, and no automatic split added when posting from @focalize, for example.

Other apps with high additional split fee on collects: Tape 5%, BloomersTV 5%. Orb is the only app, that I’m aware of, that adds fees on the buyer side.

I might make a website that breaks down all of this stuff. Essentially a “ranking” for Lens apps on how open and decentralized they are, what fees they’re adding, etc.

  • Does zora add protocol fees? (Besides the .000777 ETH or about $3 you need to mint something.)

    • Only FEES

      • Atahan@atahan·Jul 19

        Thanks bro

        • zkJΞw🦇🔊@zkjew·Jul 19

          I agree, they are definitely too high and the docs are too vague. I don’t know about dropping them to 0, but this much is not long term viable.

          • Lcberg@harkk12·Jul 19


            • Kudo369@kudo369·Jul 19


              • Angelina@nsikdia·Jul 19

                Excellent Example..

                • I believe that at some point there was a discussion about this (on here and on github) and I was in favor of fees (and will continue to be), but I was against the percentage discussed at that time which was 10% (very high in my opinion) ... I completely agree that these percentages, especially the total, are unrealistic. Of course, behind this there must be issues of maintaining the viability of apps, but I still hope that this will be rethought in the future.

                  • Kaycee@kaycee1000·Jul 18

                    Thanks a lot.

                    I have been looking for an answer to this questions for so long

                    • AlicΞ@punkess·Jul 18

                      lensbeat 👏👏👏

                      (I still don’t understand why we have fees on @lens - for basically the only interaction type which is not heavily botted 🤷♀️)

                      • zhouyu@caihuashe·Jul 18

                        tai deng

                        • Rubenos@rubenos·Jul 18

                          Incredibly insightful and always on point!
