
I saw a post that asked why humans don’t build wonders any more, as I have often wondered, and it was answered finally, though I have more questions. The answer: no more free labor.

My new question is why wouldn’t quality improve if investment has increased? Like if it costs more to build a cathedral because you have to pay people a living wage, why wouldn’t you take the care to design something better?

I now have to spend my whole day puzzled by this because I am more than lost now. Catholics have an answer for this, as the free labor could have been passionate followers of the faith.

Even in the US most old government buildings were built by slaves, Involuntary Servants, and yet the White House, Capitol Hill & many monuments remain beautiful. Why? Why did we stop? Why did slaves put so much care into laying marble at the floor of the Tennesse Capitol Building? For the very men who beat them? I have to ponder it.