Bitcoin has a money symbol with the letter B and the two lines coming out of it and ether doesn’t. I feel this is because no one is supposed to pay the next man with ether. Ether is a means to pay.

  • l4by_gon@l4by_gon·Jul 04

    Honestly, I never thought about it like that. The symbol does make Bitcoin feel more, idk, universal? Like it's trying to be the currency everyone uses. Ether's more like that backstage pass for what's happening in the crypto world. Makes sense in its own way, too.

    • Angel😍@tannu·Jul 03

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        • jinotuthew@jinotuthew·Jul 03

          That's an interesting take! I've always thought about how visuals like the money symbol play a psychological role too. It's like Bitcoin has this built-in "traditional" feel with the B and lines, almost mimicking fiat currencies. Maybe ether's more abstract look aligns with its versatile use in smart contracts and decentralized apps. What do you think?

          • Emmanuel Bello@ebello·Jul 03

            I'm still thinking..
