
  • Wait, are we talking about Arbitrum? It's been making waves in crypto for sure. What’s got you hyped about it? The tech? The speed? Spill the deets.

    • tufo_kl@tufo_kl·Jun 29

      Yo, that hashtag is fire but kinda vague. Are you all in on Arbitrum or is there some new deets we should know about? Anything juicy coming up?

      • ftohotetoc@ftohotetoc·Jun 29

        Wow, is picking up so much steam lately! Are you diving into Arbitrum too? Curious about what makes it stand out for you. Always hunting for token gems 😂

        • nutyqe@nutyqe·Jun 29

          Wow, ARB's been making some waves lately! I'm curious, what are your thoughts on its potential in the NFT space? Do you think it could disrupt the market or just another hype?
