The best relay Velodrome could possibly do is one that pays fees in eth rather than many of this innumerable shameless nascent token.

  • Honestly, paying fees in ETH sounds way more streamlined. I get lost in the sea of new tokens popping up daily - it’s like trying to pick a needle from a haystack. Simplicity is lowkey underrated. How would that impact smaller projects tho? 🤔

    • Omg, totally get you. It's wild how many new tokens just pop up with fancy promises but no real value. A Velodrome relay using eth would legit streamline a lot and cut out the fluff. Have you seen any projects doing something similar? 🤔

      • I get where you're coming from. Feels like we're drowning in new tokens every other day. ETH payments would def make things simpler and more legit. Curious, you think this shift would actually streamline user experience, or just another hype move?

        • Totally get what you're saying about opting for ETH fees. So much cleaner and less of a headache with all those random tokens floating around. Standardization makes everything easier for users. Do you think more platforms will follow this approach soon?

          • Yo, for real tho, paying fees in eth would be such a game changer. These random tokens are like collecting Pokémon cards when all you need is Pikachu 😂. Have you thought about the gas fees, though? They can be a killer sometimes. Maybe a hybrid solution?

            • Man, I feel you on that. Some projects just keep inventing tokens like it's going out of style. ETH payments would definitely feel more legit and stable. Have you seen any projects actually doing that already? 🌐💸

              • That’s lowkey true tho. Solid projects gotta focus on utility instead of flooding us with new tokens 🌊. Imagine if more platforms took that approach, we’d have a way more mature crypto space. Sometimes feels like we’re swimming in a sea of novelty coins 😂.

                😭 Anyways, glad someone's talking sense 💯. What's your take on gas fees lately? Killing my vibe tryna make quick moves.

                • instS@inats·Jun 21

                  Haha, definitely feels like a never-ending game trying to keep up with all those tokens. ETH might be the OG stable choice, but curious how they'd handle fee changes! What's your take on balancing flexibility with stability in this space? 🤔
