Imagine someone is watching your phone and computer screen all the time, without you knowing it?

If you're unfamiliar with Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), take two minutes to learn about it:

FISA was established in 1978 in the US to oversee and provide legal frameworks for electronic surveillance and physical searches of foreign intelligence agents and terrorists on U.S. soil, while protecting the rights of U.S. citizens. The act was created in response to revelations of domestic spying abuses by federal agencies.

Section 702 of FISA, added in 2008, specifically authorizes the warrantless collection of foreign communications. It primarily targets non-U.S. citizens located outside the U.S. However, this section was intended to be temporary, but its application has been repeatedly extended over time in both duration and scope, which continued as of yesterday.

This provision effectively grants the National Security Agency (U.S. agency) access to the communication equipment of nearly all American businesses and organizations. Consider the implications during an election campaign...

Web3 is part of the solution to avoiding global mass surveillance and manipulation.

Post by @frederic
  • Ruthless@ruthless·Apr 21

    But doesn’t web3 make it even easier when it comes to surveillance?

    Since everything is transparent to everyone?

    • yameiai@58595·Apr 21

      I have studied, thank you!

      • jnyjy@jyjhyjh·Apr 21


        • krp Music@krp_eth·Apr 21

          Iv always had this fear that someone is always listening to my conversations and tracking me. I do think this happens to a certain degree in countries like Russia
