I just created a $FREDERIC token on @p00ls and will distribute some weekly to every Lens user, based on how much you interact with my posts.

In a few weeks, I'll begin distributing real$ / fungible tokens / NFTs to my top holders of the week as an experiment.

Stay tuned...


  • Verified@verified·Mar 28

    Sounds interesting

    • haeg@lenssea·Mar 28


      • I'm looking forward to your experiment. each week creators drop tokens but no one has really managed to come up with a good use case for those tokens yet. so hopefully, your experiment will change this a bit. keep us posted!

        • Interesting. I wonder if cross-posting from other platforms will register (I'm commenting from Phaver).

          • SHEP@crypto0xshep·Mar 27

            Nice. I will look into your project, as I am part of one myself that does similar every time I comment or interact I'm rewarded, etc.

            • sydney_bro@sydney_bro·Mar 27

