Yo Yo Yoo👀

So as many of you may know, I did this cool experiment the other day…

Where I asked for $$ and promised to pay you back a few days later + INTEREST. Got $70 MATIC ! Not bad for us not knowing each other IRL.

lenster.xyz/posts/0x9e0a-0x071e 👀

Then I wrote an article on why I think this might be the future of creator monetization in web3.

lenster.xyz/posts/0x9e0a-0x0732 👀👀

The idea seems to be catching on..💣

Anyway, so now it's YOUR TURN. I want anyone, from anywhere, to be able to get a loan, anytime😎

Introducing LendFrens.

Where social meets finance 🤝

You never have to go to the Bank again, anon..

Just set the details for the loan you want to get, post it on Lens, and voilá, start collecting the $$ in Buckets.

Now before we get too excited here, I have to see that you TRULY WANT THIS as bad as I do.

So just go to www.lendfrens.xyz & fill the form. It´s that easy.


You heard me.

So soon you might be able to do what I just did, but in a much more efficient and automated way.

Stay. Tuned. 4. More🔥🔥😈

Post by @nicocapital.lens