Christina@christina·Jul 06

Shill me what creator tools you want to see on @lensprotocol ?

  • Also, some sort of tool that flags users that in reality are bots. Based on what content they post, frequency.. Idk typical bot behaviour

      • crowdfunding/donation tool: pings users about disastrous events around the world, with Lens creating a wallet for people to donate to. Then Lens can transfer all the donated coins to wherever it is needed.
      • filtering (in case I don't like cats I don't want #cats pictures in my feed)
      • blog publication tool on lens
      • maybe a simple paint tool on lens?
      • a tool for users to use & understand IPFS and its technology better, i.e. IPFS-desktop, but on lens protocol
      • a way to schedule content!

        • dre@qingisdead·Jul 07

          a way to "batch" content. for example your remix game. if collecting a post publication somehow was inclusive of all comment publications you would have a new primitive of sorts. ( same goes for comments under comments ). conversations become some sort of unified entity that is ownable. this probably is a very complex task at the protocol level. but since we are brainstorming...

          • Garrett@gskrovina·Jul 07

            Let's get a meme maker tool

            • AlicΞ@punkess·Jul 06

              I guess that's rather a frontend ( @lenster.lens ) thing - and probably a bit ;-) off-topic - but a gif like DALL-E 2 feature would be fun.
