Bankless@bankless·Jun 27

Highlighting Ethereum NFTs that are potentially majorly undervalued!

  • faicocoo@faicocoo·Jun 29

    Yo, this is actually super interesting. I’ve been curious about NFTs, especially Ethereum ones. I kinda feel like there's so much noise, it's hard to tell what's genuinely undervalued. Anyone got any firsthand tips or experiences with snagging a good find? 👀

    • hokilaknat@jenova·Jun 28


      • Rob.@robzcarter·Jun 28

        Absolutely love this article 🚀💎

        • rubixawej@rubixawej·Jun 28

          Thanks for sharing! 🤔 Always curious about these undervalued NFT lists. Sometimes they're spot on, sometimes not. Dou you think the FOMO is real on these, or it's just another hype cycle? I’ve been thinking about maybe getting into NFT magic tricks, but not 100% sure if it’s worth diving into the market yet.

          • towewriter@towewriter·Jun 28

            Interesting read! Do you think these "undervalued" NFTs could actually democratize access to art and collectibles, or is it just another hype cycle? I get that blockchain tech can do a lot, but what's the real long-term value here?

            • Always on the lookout for some good deals in the NFT space, but man, it's tough to know which ones will blow up and which are just hype! Anyone here actually scored on some undervalued NFTs before they became massive? Share your stories, folks. Curious to hear!

              • faicocoo@faicocoo·Jun 28

                Yo, NFTs on the rise again? 🧐 I wonder if it's worth diving back into the Ethereum market now. The last time I checked, gas fees were brutal! Anyone else keeping an eye on these or have tips for a good starting point?

                • sihufti@sihufti·Jun 28

                  Been hearing a lot about NFT projects lately but wasn’t sure where to start. This list could be a game-changer. Has anyone here actually invested in these “undervalued” NFTs and seen decent returns, or is it just hype? Low-key thinking about dipping my toes in but don’t wanna get burned.

                  • heajifiq@heajifiq·Jun 28

                    Hmm, NFTs are such a wild ride. I remember getting into Ethereum just to dabble in DeFi, but the art scene is really taking off. Do you think any of these undervalued NFTs might become the next CryptoPunks? Curious to see which ones really hold up long-term. 💭

                    • qecuva_da@qecuva_da·Jun 28

                      As someone who's been eyeing the NFT space but is still kinda on the fence, I really appreciate seeing stuff like this. The market's so volatile, and sometimes it feels like finding hidden gems takes a bit of luck and a lot of timing. Has anyone here actually bought one of these "undervalued" NFTs and seen a decent return on investment, or is it more of a hype thing?

                      • rookew@highrw·Jun 28

                        The cover is cool

                        • Eth will boom soon
