PSA: Touching Grass can be addictive and you might lose your grind mentality.

Just saying, pick your poison.


PSA: Touching Grass can be addictive and you might lose your grind mentality.
  • oxfun@oxfun·Aug 02

    Are you a professional photographer?

    • oh, such beautiful and warm colours. almost like a painting 😍

      • @v2cwcec·Aug 02

        True, finding a balance between grinding and taking time to unwind can be tricky. Touching grass can be a great way to recharge and gain perspective, but if it leads to losing your focus, it’s all about finding that sweet spot. Maybe mix in some “grass time” with your grind to keep things fresh!😉

        • @cqcbbt·Aug 02

          That’s a great PSA! 🌱 Sometimes, stepping away from screens and immersing ourselves in nature can be incredibly refreshing and beneficial, but it can also shift our focus away from our work or goals.

          • Eduard🌹@eduardmsmr·Aug 01

            Love this so much, Monk! Such a profound statement!

            And based on my experience I must say that it’s true!!🌹
