Sidd@siddxa·Jun 18

Gm Frens! I am happy today, for it is one of the most necessary things for me.

I bought an e-book and downloaded all kinds of interesting literature into it, starting with science and ending with anime ranobes xD

It's amazing how much fundamentally important information can fit into one little gadget.

Now all that remains is to transfer the knowledge to a biological data storage device, unfortunately not so ideal xD


Post by @siddxa.lens
  • Blind dev@atoda14·Jun 26

    When I read the headline of your post in the news, I thought that you had bought some kind of e-book, and decided to screen it ☺

    • GM ✨

      • MazeMari@mazemari·Jun 18

        Nice!! Good luck with this transferring knowledge thing, Sidd 🙌✨️💚
