...Did you know that The Great Channeler OSHO had 93 Rolls Royce's? 🤷‍♂️

Why...GotchiGang has only 7 so far... I think we can do better than that! 🤔

P.s. Thank you to all my super followers for your contributions to the culture.
As a token of appreciation (literally), you will be receiving #frendrop from GotchiGoodies as promised.
Check out our first creation of Le Golden Rolls from the awesome "FLEX Collection"

#Frendrop will be distributed shortly...

Post by @web3_14159.lens
  • 3DSLAPS@3dslaps·Sep 16

    holy shii that is sick my man! this ghost working on a lowrider irl too ٩(˘◡˘)۶

    • 0xZFi@0xzfi·Sep 15

      Oh these are fyrrreeeee! 😆
