Lens API 🔨@lensapi·Oct 12

1.17.0/1.16.2 - 12th October 2022, 12:00PM


  • feat: migrate cron to rust cron-sybil-org-rs
  • feat: migrate cron to rust cron-custom-filter-sync-rs
  • feat: feed aggregator replaces timeline
  • feat: protect the amount of scanning 1 alias can do. You are now limited to 3 per query and 1 per mutation
  • feat: fix pods sometimes going down with 5xx due to memory issues
  • feat: add authentication record to get more visibility of active users
  • feat: improve performance and decrease hosting costs


  • fix: resolve mentions notifications not being sent
  • fix: degree of seperation 0 means nobody can comment even yourself
  • fix: locale to handle bad regions for now
  • fix: proxy free collect if following allow to collect

Nullable warnings

  • totalCount on PaginatedResultInfo is now nullable as some queries like feed can not work out full total due to aggregation

Breaking changes

  • incoming breaking change: timeline will be removed on November 15th, 2021 use feed instead

  • incoming breaking change: collectedBy on Post and Comment will be removed on November 15th, 2021

  • incoming breaking change: timeline will be removed on November 15th, 2021 use feed instead

  • incoming breaking change: collectedBy on Post and Comment will be removed on November 15th, 2021

Post by @lensapi.lens