Lens API 🔨@lensapi·Jul 06

1.3.0 - July 6th, 2022 15:45


  • feat: on hidden it should not bring them back on timeline, search and profiles
  • feat: add follower fees into global stats
  • feat: extend refresh token to be valid for 7 days to allow mobile apps better UX
  • feat: expose sns and push everywhere for third parties
  • feat: add profilePublicationRevenue and profileFollowRevenue
  • feat: huge refactor to make backend a monorepo
  • feat: add dev-portal-api
  • feat: add sns notification service to listen for streams of data
  • feat: be more aggressive on the indexer if our node provider is down and never give up
  • feat: improve error handling and tracing when indexer throws
  • feat: internal API if publication hidden do not allow comments or mirrors
  • feat: add source onto free text claim handles column

Bug fixes

  • fix sync issue related with NFT profile
  • fix: when commenting on post pull in the appId if we can fetch it before the insert
  • fix: issue with timestamp coming back as ms sometimes and unix sometimes
  • fix: count was wrong for getting comments on publication
  • fix: issue with app id not be populated on publications
  • fix: ipfs_internal_uploads_pkey PK issue
  • fix: devportal: refactor how users are added in app creation and update
  • fix: resolve issue with approval followers total count
  • fix: resolve validation on metadata version
  • fix: throw error if txId is not defined
  • fix: make profileId nullable on ReactionFieldResolverRequest to make querying it easier on mirrors
  • fix: Error: Property 'token_id' doesn't exist.
  • fix: on the indexer to handle the bug found on prod contract
  • fix: issue with nft sql
  • refactor: indexer events clean up and more resource friendly
  • fix: bring back hidden publication when query by publication or query by tx for publication
  • fix: indexer bug if resync falls over it could end up skipping blocks without checking
  • fix: resolve sql error updateProfileImageURIOnChainQuery
  • fix: resolve trigger count to on conflict do nothing on some insert cases
  • fix: internal profile metadata updating
  • fix: profile metadata attributes added validation

Breaking changes

  • breaking: profileRevenue has now changed to profilePublicationRevenue to make the schema clear with the new added profileFollowRevenue


  • breaking change: hasCollected is deprecated you should use the hasCollectedByMe field resolver on the publication, this will be removed from on 1st of July 2022
  • breaking change: hasMirrored is deprecated and you should use the mirrors field resolver passing in the profile id the user is active on, this lives on the publication, this will be removed from on 1st of July 2022
Post by @lensapi.lens