At ETH SF hackathon @andreih.lens created a Lens app that creates DAOs from the collectors of Lens posts

This post: created a DAO and raised 500 WMATIC through collects to give to the best art reply🧑‍🎨

Yesterday a proposal to award the funds was passed and executed🥇

Congrats to @susujiang_0310.lens and @matte.lens for winning the contest and getting 250 MATIC each!

@matte.lens has even already given half of his winnings back to the Lens community: 💪

Some more info on CollectsDAO:

This hackathon project will be integrated into @lensport.lens!

It'll be the easiest way to fund and join DAOs: just collect!

Forming DAOs will be super fast… just check a box when posting that says: "Create DAO from this post"

This shows the type of experiments that having an open social network like Lens allows 🌿 We'll see the rest of the crypto ecosystem migrating to Lens more and more 🚀