Why are u bullying people online? Mind your own business and let people be. Focus on what’s beautiful like this picture I took today ❄️🍟🖤🫡

Stop being cringe and eat fries. Thank you. 🙏🏼🍟

  • MEWW@elonmusk-x·Nov 28


    • beautiful like this picture

      • @ranadheerrao4·Nov 27

        What is the point of bullying people?

        • That Guy@cryptoo182·Nov 27

          agree 👌

          • gyh123@lfgggg3·Nov 27
            Comment by @lfgggg3
            • yasss!.... you're right... but pls.... don`t blame kringe... we are kute!.

              • Not a fries eater Jenny 😂. Happy Sunday

                • Cold over there 🥶

                  • Fries >>>>

                    • ofc 😊

                      • Eduard🌹@eduardmsmr·Nov 26

                        Why are we bullying people in general?

                        What is the point of bullying people?

                        What’s the point of constantly canceling and criticizing people?

                        I mean, yes, if someone is doing something wrong, you have every right to call them out, but the way you do it matters

                        Unfortunately, people often criticize and bully others simply for being who they are

                        There are many reasons, imo, why these things happen, and it is challenging to try to change each person individually

                        Instead, we should focus on changing ourselves. We should embrace our genuine selves and be excited about it. When someone tries to cancel us, instead of responding in the same manner, we should reply with love, kindness, and empathy

                        This approach may plant a seed in their heart, show them how beautiful life can be this way, and spark the change we desire

                        Society is probably in its worst shape ever, but we have the power to change it

                        What we should do is embrace both our individual and collective uniqueness and be the change we want to see

                        I apologize for making this so long, but I could talk about this all day. It is something genuinely close to my heart, and I believe I can make a change

                        Much love Jessy🫶🏼🌹

                        • Jean Ayala@jeanayala·Nov 26

                          agree, i wish i can post more but there’s always a fear of what strangers on internet has to say :/
