Mycaleum@mycaleum·May 02

I'm getting sick of these $Lens "focused" spaces occurring on X. Irony, meet the future.

Give me a gud reason these social spaces can't be happening somewhere within the Garden. Feels $pointless to continue using X to grow our alternate ecosystem meant to replace it...

Post by @mycaleum
  • Jean Ayala@jeanayala·May 04

    to onboard new users, but i think we need to move beyond X and touch every single social network since the protocol can reproduce all of them 🤔

    • Infinati@infinati·May 03
      • Gavin@cooke94844·May 02

        It is a vampire atack

        • dankshard@dankshard·May 02

          Disagree. This is a good way to grab the attention of those who are stuck on X-only. On the other hand, ofc it would be great if Lens-native solutions also became popular.

          • Nilesh@nilesh·May 02

            need to bring new users to ecosystem
