Thumbs Up@thumbsup·Jul 06

Why doesn’t @orb support @xmtplabs? Could have group chat with XMTP v3 like tomorrow. Come on folks!

  • Kipto | Orb@kipto·Jul 11

    Xmtp doesn’t support delegated executors. You are not using orb from the profile owner but via the device wallet. Building dms where recipient is the profile, is thus impossible.

    We’ve been in talks with them ever since lens v2 came out…

    • Exoteric@exoteric·Jul 11

      It is a bit weird @nilesh and team haven’t done this yet. However, xmtp is still sorta weird for some. @buttrfly has it integrated too. The thing is, it feels like no one ever uses any of them. It’s got kinda weird timing. It acts far more like a short emailer.

      • yuanzi@erzilai·Jul 06

        good moning
