I can’t sleep at night knowing that $TIA seed bought their tokens for less than a cent.🤐

$ 0.0094 per TIA

  • 1000x,too crazy,Vc get rich more

    • Carla Monni@cmn__·Feb 03

      Bubbly morning dear 🧜♀️🌊

      • Yes that's huge but never forget that most of them have probably sold them below 1$... Same for BTC at 100$

        • @dcryptoevangelist·Feb 03

          when is it unlocking this would happen so dumps come

          • VMorgan@v_morgan_tech·Feb 03

            Where was their seed sale hosted?

            • Vinod@dmcsvn·Feb 03

              Lol ,how many x now?😃

              • I am part of a group where they pool money to participate in early stage crypto funding. $TIA seed round came up early last year but I didn't participate. It looks very easy decision looking at it now but during the seed round there is little information available about the project and the seed rounds often have long vesting schedules as well. So, while the people who got the airdrop are rolling in cash, the seed round participants are still waiting for their tokens to unlock.
