Matte Black@matte·Oct 29

controversial question: is it ok to like, love, or enjoy someones' art, music, etc. , even if you don't agree with their beliefs, actions, opinions, or they're viewed as not a "good" person? ex. ; kanye west

  1. oui oui
  2. negative sir
    feel free to expand your thoughts in the comments!
  • bitflower@bitflower·Oct 29

    Happy to know this.

    • Nader Dabit@nader·Oct 29

      happens all the time, many people from history who we enjoy their art, literature, music, held beliefs that would make them outcasts today, but I also think there is some nuance to that in that today if you support someone who is doing harmful things, then you are in some way supporting their actions, but if they just hold beliefs that are not 100% in line then I think it's ok, because there is no one on this earth who aligns 100% with anyone else, we all are different
