if you're seeing this error while minting, there might be insufficient matic in your orb wallet for gas ⛽️

normally, we drop some matic in your orb wallet for gas, but right now, there's an issue where once it runs out, we're not correctly sending more.

we'll fix this issue soon, but for now, you can send 1-2 matic to your orb wallet, and it should work! lmk if it doesn’t!

  • fommes@fommes·Apr 08

    Aaaah why didn’t I figure that out myself!! Now minting works tho

    • Can you not make Orb Wallet Linked to the Main Lens Profile Wallet ?
      Just a thought !!

      • TonyDrunk@sats21·Apr 07

        It worked ✨

        • Gavin#0x013cee·Apr 06

          I sent matic in the minute I learned about the In app wallet. I think seeing the matic in wallet view needs doing.

          • Eduard🌹@eduardmsmr·Apr 06

            I am facing this issue right now! I have sent 1 Matic to my orb wallet, but it didn't solve the problem - could there be another issue?

            I closed and reopened the app after sending it!

            Thank you!🌹

            • 0xalpha@0xalpha·Apr 06

              I like that I can see under collectable posts that I've minted them just in case I forget, don't want to mint same again

              • I sent USDC (on Polygon) as the screen said I could. So I could mint post. Sent it to the same address I had sent Bonsai to before. But my wallet balance stayed excatly the same. No clue where the USDC I sent went to.

                • Infinati@infinati·Apr 06

                  I'll try it again next time I want to mint on mobile, thanks for clarifying.

                  • Anon Ninja@anonninja·Apr 06

                    Where can i check i'm eligible for airdrop?

                    • yep!

                      • Bharath seervi@seervi·Apr 06

                        I was facing this issue yesterday realised I didn't have enough matic for gas i send 2 matic to orb wallet and now I can mint

                        • Takuiten⚡@takuiten·Apr 06

                          My error is completely different. My wallet got replaced with an empty one. Are we fixing this 😭

                          • Thanks, so we needto send matic to wallet next to Bonsai?

                            • tali@talig·Apr 06

                              Hi :)

                              A question:Thought I've claimed bonsai my balance on the orb app shows 0.
                              I see my bonsai on my metamask wallet and not on orb and quite struggling with transferring it to the orb app wallet..

                              Shouldn't i suppose to get it straight to my orb wallet?

                              • kook@kook99·Apr 06

                                Saw this when I onboarded yesterday
                                Lost the first profile I tried to make
                                Finally got a profile to work
                                Tried to mint, insufficient funds
                                When I checked explorer there was 0.5 MATIC in account tho.
                                It was very slow to pick up on my BONSAI balance as well (sent it from another wallet)
                                Just as I was about to give up after several tries at minting (3-4?) it suddenly worked
                                Ended up minting twice
                                Now I can’t find the pieces I minted lol
                                Also when I check explorer they aren’t where I’d expect
                                UI is clean tho, good app keep going

                                • Xyori@xyori·Apr 06

                                  Metamask and zerion dont show pop-up to sign after authorizing! Can you fix this?

                                  • whyfud@whyfud·Apr 06

                                    Thank you 🙏 we need a own chain so we don’t need matic for gas fees

                                    • Rasali.eth#0x011beb·Apr 06

                                      Yesterday I tried to mint this by having extra wmatic/matic from my side but still its failed

                                      • Exoteric@exoteric·Apr 06

                                        That answers one of my questions from yesterday I believe. 😄

                                        • Carla Monni@cmn__·Apr 06

                                          ahhh okok! Thanks for the clarification!🌊🧜🏻♀️

                                          Comment by @cmn__