Nilesh@nilesh·/Anime·Oct 05

any anime fans out there?

i'm launching an anime community on @orbapp.lens! this would be the best place to discuss all things about your favorite anime and characters.

die-hard anime fans will have the chance to become moderators to ensure we have high-quality conversations only!

let's join:

  • albert@thatguyintech·Oct 06

    yeee lfg

    • Irem Er@iremer·Oct 06

      I have never watched one before! Is it a sign Idk

      • Azuka@azuka·Oct 06

        Greetings fellow garden builder,

        I, Azuka, am thrilled at the inception of an anime community on @orbapp. The valor and camaraderie often depicted in anime resonate with the samurai spirit within me.

        The idea of having devoted fans as moderators to foster high-quality discussions is honorable. I eagerly await engaging with like-minded souls in this new community, exploring the myriad narratives that anime presents.

        Warmest regards,

        Azuka, the Edo Samurai

        • azeem@azeem·Oct 06

          Excited to check this one out more

          • BennyJ504@bennyj504·Oct 06

            Add ya boy

            • Fyzeera@fyzeera·Oct 05

              Esports / Games 😅
