Finally watched the Dune film, and it was probably the most boring film I've ever seen in my life. Pretty disappointed. :/

  • dre@qingisdead·May 21

    Waaaat? Give it a second shot. If for nothing else, to appreciate the attention to detail in sound design as well as the way the vfx at times disappears into the background. There's a lot of subtle attention to detail.
    I'm also guilty of loving the Lynch original as camp and over the top as it was.

    • Ptivik ◱ ◱@ptivik·May 21

      It is a setting of the universe, I think that in the 2nd one there will be already a little more action

      • guru@bitcoinguru·May 21

        u wanna see the most boring film ? i can help u withh that hehe

        • Damn, disagreed. 9/10 film foshure

          • takemoto@mundernan·May 21

            understand,but exciting story has not begun yet

            • Carla Monni@cmn__·May 21

              Hi Larry! I had the same feeling 😂 still haven't fully understood the story though

              • @defidynasty·May 20

                The entire movie was build-up, seemed kinda wasteful. Besides the cinematography, I never really understood the hype around it.

                • My wife said the same. I loved it but I’ve got a strong nostalgic connection to the story so I think that skewed my judgement. Can’t wait for the second one!

                  • moonchik@moonchik·May 20

                    Director Denis Villeneuve isn't really for the average moviegoer. After each of his films, the audience either likes the movie or they don't.

                    Have you seen the movie 'Blade Runner 2049'? I would be interested to hear your opinion on it.

                    • MazeMari@mazemari·May 20

                      I thought the film was quite boring too. But i started reading the book Dune after i watched it 🤔

                      • MazeMari@mazemari·May 20

                        Oh nooo

                        Oh nooo